Tabitha here, happy Monday everyone and thank you to all who have served! It is Veteran's Day (observed)! Any new project with a Cricut cut that fits the "birthday" theme can be linked up, whether that's a scrapbook layout, card, or decorative item (you can use your blog, Pinterest, Instagram, or other social media account to link up your entry). Let your imagination run wild! You know we all know someone with a birthday coming up. It seems there is at least one birthday every month! I sure try to get out a birthday card for all my friends. Doesn't take much to let them know you care:) Our design team has some great projects below to inspire you, so take a peek!
Alicia-Close to my Heart Artfully Sent
Maureen - Ornamental Iron

Tabitha using Wild Card 2 and Create a Critter
Come join the "party" and link up with us:
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