Monday, December 6, 2021

Christmas/Hanukkah Ornament

Happy Holidays 2021 - Let's get in the crafty mood and make something with our Cricuts.   Our Bitten by the Bug2 challenge for the next two weeks is to use your Cricut to make an  ornament(s), or use an ornament on your card or layout.   I have hosted this challenge for the last few years and have seen lots of extraordinary creations.  Link up your ornament related project below using your blog, Pinterest, Instagram or other account.  We would love to show you our holiday Design Team projects below. 

Maureen  - Season of Joy, Christmas Images 3, A Child's Year
Caroline - Artiste, Ribbons and Rosettes

Michelle - Winter Wonderland

Dorlene - Art Philosophy

Connie - Star cut with Balsa Wood on Cricut Maker and Font with Vinyl

Denise - Various from Cricut Access

Kim - Dreaming Tree

Alicia - Cricut Access


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