Monday, January 10, 2022

Any Holiday Winner

We had some great submissions for our Any Holiday challenge but I did find one deserving of Winner status.  

Congratulations Luria!  Your Gingerbread House is amazing.  You did a great job.  

I would also like to announce some honorable mentions.

Jessica made a lovely angel tag.

Deanne had several entries but this one stole my heart

Karen had a very unique and beautiful project.

Thanks to everyone for joining us, we really appreciate your participation..  Our last challenge for the near future is still open until 1.17.22

Monday, January 3, 2022

Layer it Up with Double Trouble!

Welcome to our Bitten by the Bug and Double Trouble Challenge collaboration. The theme for the next two weeks is "Warm & Cozy - Layer Up".  

This Challenge runs from 
Monday,  January 3rd thru Monday, January 17th 

Below are the details of the challenge and for this last challenge you may use a die cut not necessarily Cricut made.  Yes, I said the last challenge. Unfortunately, work and personal life have taken a toll on my time and I can no longer keep up with the demands of a challenge blog.  I will call this an undefined hiatus.  I would love to continue when my life allows. I am excited to go out on a high note collaborating with Double Trouble Challenge blog

Thing 1: Trouble Maker
says, "Today we're celebrating two special things - our 100th Challenge and Cuddle Up Day on January 6th! There's been nothing better than cuddling up with your sweet creations for 100 challenges and we hope that you feel the same way.  

For Cuddle Up Day, let's think cozy and warm...  Layer Up!  You MUST use at least one die, punch, or machine cut and include at least two or more layers on your project. Bring on your card layering techniques and Layer Up."      

You can stop here...
You can go on to Twisted Sister's Optional Twist 

Thing 3: Twisted Sister
says, "My favorite thing to cuddle with is a good book. 
There are lots of other Things you can cuddle up with such as a sweater, mittens, quilt, easy chair, book, fur-babies, stuffed animal, fireside, etc.  Include your favorite cuddle up Thing.  What is your favorite?  

If you have included the optional twist in your project, you will have earned another chance in our usual random draw.  

Thing 2: Double Dare
says, "Bitten by the Bug 2 is a challenge that usually requires the inclusion of a cut from a Cricut machine, however, we CUT a Die'al with them. For this challenge only, our partner is accepting the use of cut items from punches, dies, and any cutting machine, but NO fussy-cutting!  Enter the Bitten by The Bug 2 Challenge for an extra chance in our usual random draw prize.  


Here's inspiration from the BBTB2 DT:

Alicia - Dreaming Tree German Box

Michelle - Chore Chart

Maureen -  Kids Adventure Phrases, Cowboys

Connie - SVG by Paper Crafting World
Kim- Dreaming Tree

Denise - Platin Schoolbook & Savory

I would like to thank all of the folks who have joined us over the many years of our challenge blog, especially those who play along regularly.  We very much appreciate your participation.  Please join us until January 17 using any die cut and lots of layers.  Happy New Year!
Monday, December 20, 2021

Any Holiday until January 3

Hello and welcome to the latest Bitten by the Bug 2 challenge:  Any Holiday!  I know a lot of folks may still have some Christmas cards to post, some may be working ahead on 2022 holidays and some like me may have some leftover 2021 projects.  So join us by adding whatever holiday project you are currently creating.  We can't wait to see what's on your desk and you can join up for the next two weeks until January 3 when we will have a special challenge. 
Alicia - Close to my Heart Artfully Sent

Caroline - Anna Griffin

Melissa "Sunshine HoneyBee" - CTMH Season of Joy

Connie - SVG for Santa and Reindeer. Cricut font for Title.

Dorlene - Free SVG

Michelle - CM Cheerful Seasons, Holly Jolly
Kim - Design Bundles

Denise - Chocolate Bunny

Join us until January 3 for this challenge.
Monday, December 6, 2021

Christmas/Hanukkah Ornament

Happy Holidays 2021 - Let's get in the crafty mood and make something with our Cricuts.   Our Bitten by the Bug2 challenge for the next two weeks is to use your Cricut to make an  ornament(s), or use an ornament on your card or layout.   I have hosted this challenge for the last few years and have seen lots of extraordinary creations.  Link up your ornament related project below using your blog, Pinterest, Instagram or other account.  We would love to show you our holiday Design Team projects below. 

Maureen  - Season of Joy, Christmas Images 3, A Child's Year
Caroline - Artiste, Ribbons and Rosettes

Michelle - Winter Wonderland

Dorlene - Art Philosophy

Connie - Star cut with Balsa Wood on Cricut Maker and Font with Vinyl

Denise - Various from Cricut Access

Kim - Dreaming Tree

Alicia - Cricut Access

Monday, November 22, 2021

Fun & Games

Hi everyone.  I am hosting this challenge called Fun and Games.  I have made some things for our family Euchre tournament.  I have found that Euchre seems to be a Midwest thing, but as family members come into our family, we make sure they learn how to play.  It is a pretty fun and fast game that doesn't take a huge amount of concentration, so you can get lots of talking in, lol.  Here is a crown I made for the person who has made the last loner (it's a Euchre thing).

You can click on my name to learn about how I made this adjustable crown which can be adapted to many other things. Then follow all the links below for the design team's great projects on their own fun and games.  After looking at all that inspiration, create a project on your Cricut  that uses the theme and link it on the link party at the bottom of the page. Enjoy -

Connie - SVG by Miss Kate Cuttables
Caroline - Family Album

Dorlene - Happy Trails

Michelle - When I Was A Kid

Kim - My Scrap Chick

Alicia - Cricut Access

Maureen - Cricut Access Images